ACTION REQUIRED: IBM webMethods SSL Certificate Expiry and Truststore Update Required in Europe Frankfurt AWS EU2

Scheduled for Mar 16, 02:30 - 03:30 UTC


On March 16, 2025, We will renew the SSL certificates from 02:30 to 03:30 UTC.

IBM webMethods would like to inform you that the SSL certificate for the iPaaS services is due to expire on April 09, 2025. As part of our commitment to ensuring secure communications, we will be renewing the certificate. This requires action to update the truststore with the new SSL certificates before March 16, 2025, in order to continue securely interacting with our platform.

Other affected components: IBM webMethods API Gateway , IBM webMethods Developer Portal, IBM webMethods Integration , IBM webMethods B2B, IBM webMethods End-To-End Monitoring, Managed File Transfer

Customer actions:
Download the SSL certificates:
Click here to donwload AWS SSL/TLS Certificates

The following steps can be followed to safely replace the SSL certificates:
Back up your existing SSL/TLS certificate.
Install the new SSL/TLS certificate.
Remove the expired SSL/TLS certificate after April 09, 2025.

Questions or problems: Open a support ticket.
Posted Feb 14, 2025 - 12:09 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affects: IBM webMethods Integration (EU2 INT), IBM webMethods End-To-End Monitoring (EU2 E2EM), IBM webMethods B2B (EU2 B2B), IBM webMethods Developer Portal (EU2 DEVPORTAL), and IBM webMethods API Gateway (EU2 APIGW K8).